"The king's jesters made the court laugh while spitting out the
truths of those days" -Francine Côté
BOUFFON offers an immersion in the world of the bouffon; a
universe in which the actor has fun parodying life. The parody
that offers a reflection of our society is a provocative humor
that is between imitation and criticism. The bouffon finds his
strength and his audacity to criticize society while surrounded
by his peers, his family. Each family of bouffons is different
and particular, but the element of support is always present.
This workshop works on the sense of listening, spatial awareness
and how to keep the play alive in a context of choir work. To
get closer to the world of audacity and laughter while remaining
light, participants will work in this workshop on their physical
appearance, the design of their character, their attitude and
the intensity of their gaze.
Dolorèze Léonard
Price: $225
Prerequisites: Artistic CV